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Join us for a Jukebox Journey on Wednesday 3 July at 6pm in the school hall.A showcase of Year 7 musical theatre talent from our Drama Club organised by A Level Drama students, including show tunes and pop songs. Lasting approximately 45 minutes. Free entry, no ticket required.


Thank you to our wonderful SJL community for all your hard work and support this school year, we’d like to wish you all a relaxing summer break and we look forward to seeing you in September!Tues 3 Sept- Year 7, Year 12 & Year 13Wed 4 Sept- Year 8, Year 9, Year 10 & Year 11


What a fantastic school year it's been, so many amazing events, activities, trips and learning experiences - here's a little look back at just a few of the brilliant highlights. We look forward to more fun and success in September!


Please note EduLink is currently down so if you need to make contact please call the main school number.


Lost property - there are a number unclaimed bottles, please reclaim from the medical room by the end of school tomorrow.


Well done to our Year 7 cricket team, a brilliant last fixture for Mr Battersby - and in the sunshine too!


Looks absolutely amazing - what a fantastic experience for our students!


Reminder - school will finish for all students at 12.30pm on Friday 19 July.


What an amazing Sports Day!The SJL student and staff community were truly brilliant, with everyone coming together to support each other, lots of cheers and plenty of high-fives. A huge shoutout to our PE department for organising such a fantastic event!


Our sports hall was a hive of activity as our Year 12 students took part in our inaugural Interview Skills Day where they had the opportunity to speak with real employers to practice their interview techniques. Thanks to all those who volunteered their time to help.


Lost property - there are a number of unclaimed pairs of shoes and odd shoes, please reclaim from the medical room by the end of school tomorrow. Please ensure all property brought into school is named so items can be returned to their owner.


What a colourful crop!


Students from Year 7 D&T club have been putting the finishing touches to their bug hotels - such fantastic creative designers and ecologically minded too!


Year 9 students were testing their F1 cars for the F1 in Schools Programme. Students design and 3D print their own F1 cars, which are powered by compressed gas and then then race them down our 15m track.


Staff and students are having a wonderful time on the music tour!


Wow, what a beautiful setting for their first concert on the music tour!!


During this week students in Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 are taking on the role of apprentices for a range of activities delivered by to help develop skills and an enterprising mindset. Some fantastic ideas showcased in 'elevator pitch' type presentations!


The recording of our amazing Year 7 drama club students performing A Jukebox Journey, organised by our A Level Drama students, is now available to view on the school website.


With final house point and merit mark totals announced in our end-of-year assembly on Friday, here is a glimpse of the House Results Board since 2013.Will Hepworth maintain their House Cup winning streak and which house will be this year's Merit Mark Cup winner?


🟡🔴🟢🏆SPORTS DAY 2024🏆⚪️🟠🔵🟣Another fantastic afternoon of SJL Sport gave us plenty of thrills and spills but in the end it finished with…🔴 Austen as our Champions 🔴Finally someone has knocked Hepworth off of top spot. Thank you to all of our competitors today ❤️


Wishing our students a fantastic Music Tour to Salzburg, Austria - they will visit Salt Mines, Mirabell Gardens, a waterpark, take a cable car ride and boat trip - whilst also performing incredible concerts in amazing locations! Have a wonderful time!


Preparations are underway for Sports Day!


What a fantastic day we had yesterday as we welcomed Year 6 into Sir John Lawes for transition day. Their smiles and excitement were infectious as they explored the school, met their form teachers and made new friends. We can't wait to see you all again in September!


Please note, there is no newsletter this week - look out for our end of term newsletter next week.


Sports Day - Friday 12 July.Students competing need to be in SJL PE kit. All other students can wear non uniform in house colours – please ensure shoulders and midriffs are covered.Sports Day will finish at 3.30pm at the end of the school day.

Ministry of Defence

MOD Education Outreach Programme

Under the strap line of ‘giving students a start’, the award-winning MOD Education Outreach Programme has for 16 years been working with Colleges, Academies and Schools across the UK, where diversity is often > 60%, over 100 nationalities and languages are present, and many students are ‘at risk’ with curriculum, personal development and employability skills support. Over 2,500 students every year benefit from support, either in the classroom through mentoring, specialist talks, and mock interviews, or linked in with a ‘taster’ visit to Whitehall. This is in order to give students a flavour of the workplace, many of whom have never visited an employer before and have no one in their family in work.


Andy Gillman MBE

Andy Gillman MBE
I had the privilege to be invited along with 5 other students – 3 of us in Year 9 and 3 others in Year 10 - to Sandringham School in St. Albans to take part in a Ministry of Defence-organised event. Competing with other local schools, we were tasked with roleplaying the Prime Minister and their Cabinet and using our public speaking, problem solving and teamwork skills to defuse an international crisis: a civil war in the (fictional) country of Dacan, endangering British civilians. We then had to give a press conference to the other students to explain our plan and try to answer the questions directed to us as best we could.

All after a professional pizza lunch, of course.

Although every team gave their best efforts, Sir John Lawes managed to pull through and win in a close victory. Andy Gillman, the overseer from the MoD, praised our team’s coordination and ability. (He also “liked my style” as Prime Minister.)

From our experience (and triumph) in this event, we found out the life of a politician is more difficult than we thought. We learned to improve our skill at working in a team and managing a difficult situation as well as improvisation under pressure from other students’ questions.

As the winning team, we have been invited by Mr Gillman to go to the real Ministry of Defence at Whitehall in London to give a small speech about our experience and how it helped us. We’re very thankful for this opportunity to get involved with the government and excited to head there next week.

Alex Hegarty
Round table
Students working on their crisis briefing as members of the Cabinet
Taking questions
Fielding a press conference and taking questions
A group of students from years 9 and 10 had the opportunity to participate in the Ministry of Defence International Crisis Scenario Workshop, at Sandringham. We were presented with a crisis, set in a fictional country, and were then tasked with finding an appropriate solution. We each took on a role from the UK government positions, forming a complete team that covered all aspects of the problem. Using the information we were given, we came up with potential ways to combat the issue, and worked together to agree on a plan of action.

After discussing possibilities amongst ourselves, we had to present our resolution through a press conference. We proposed ideas to the other schools, and then answered questions that they posed to us. This particular part of the afternoon gave us the chance to practice public speaking, and thinking on our feet. It was also very interesting to hear the other schools’ solutions, and seeing the different approaches that people decided to take.
The afternoon challenged us to deal with real life problems that the British government face, and we all left with a heightened awareness of the skills required, such as decision making, communication and also collaboration. An added bonus was the fact that we won the competition, despite it being SJL’s first ever time attending! Andy Gillman MBE, who ran the workshop, even invited us to a celebratory lunch next week in Whitehall, to share our thoughts and opinions on the experience with others. Overall, it was an extremely valuable experience, and a chance to take part in something entirely new and unique.
Justine Jing
Agillman certificates
Inter-School Challenge winners with their certificates presented by Andy Gillman MBE
Following on, the same six SJL students had the opportunity to attend the celebrations held at the Ministry of Defence Headquarters, following the win of the crisis workshop the previous week. Andy Gillman MBE invited Sir John Lawes and a number of other educational institutions to celebrate their participation in the Education Outreach Programme, which he built in 2002 and has run for the past 15 years.
Along with other students, we were asked to provide a short presentation in which to explain the experience and the benefits of the competition. At first we were rather nervous about speaking in front of so many people but as the day progressed, we altered our speeches, gained in confidence and managed to deliver a rather professional piece as a team. We are really grateful to Mr Gillman for giving us the chance to learn about the government and for setting up the programme which gives students a deeper understanding of political roles. The event also proved valuable as it promoted information about working for the MoD. This careers advice could prove useful in the future and was highly appreciated by all the students.
Finally, after thanking Mr Gillman, we received our award certificates, for our success in the inter-school competition, from Lieutenant General Richard Nugee CVO CBE, Chief of Defence People, who has responsibility for the ‘whole force’ - including 140,000 full time and 30,000 part time servicemen and women, 60,000 civil servants, about 200,000 military dependants, and around 2.8 million veterans.
Both the workshop and the celebrations were highly educational and we feel privileged to have partaken in them.
Jay Colston-Patel
Ltgenrichardnugee 6
Lieutenant General Richard Nugee CVO CBE, Chief of Defence People
with students from Sir John Lawes School
Andy Gillman MBE
Justine 4
SJL students take the stand
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