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Some Year 12 students taking part in have been selling charms as part of their business Charm Parlour. The scheme helps students to create their own business; managing company finances, promotion and sales. A great way to build practical business skills!


Oracy Week; Some Year 8 students enjoyed a reading café in English class, chatting with each other about the books they are currently reading using thought-provoking questions prepared by Mrs Hamilton. A great way to build discussion skills and articulate ideas.#OracyWeek


Oracy Week; yesterday three students from our Climate Action Group attended the Hertfordshire Youth COP - taking part in a climate debate where they put forward arguments on how to tackle climate change, showing excellent oracy skills as they justified the decisions made.


Oracy Week; Mrs Hamilton gave an assembly to Year 8 students about the power of language, encouraging students to use their voice in lessons by answering questions, getting involved in debates and taking part in class discussions.


Our Year 9 Animal Studies students had an unforgettable experience with meeting an incredible range of animals up close, getting hands-on and learning lots of fascinating facts. A wonderful way to learn beyond the classroom!#animalstudies


Oracy Week; the power of storytelling. Mrs Chowdry is currently reading one of Richard Osman’s murder mystery novels to her Year 8 form group - the students say they can imagine the story better having it read aloud to them, helping to bring the book to life.


Last week our Year 7 students had an assembly on cybercrime in order to help them create a safe digital environment to navigate the online world.


Our students are hard at work rehearsing for the Gym and Dance Display - the routines look incredible! Grab your tickets and come and see for yourself - performances taking place on Tuesday and Wednesday this week at 6pm. Tickets available via ParentPay.


Oracy Week - this week we’re celebrating the power of spoken language to help students build confidence, learn to express ideas clearly and develop their communication skills. From debates to presentations and discussions, lots of opportunities to find their voice.#oracyweek


Saturday Morning Football vs Marlborough 7s won 3-0 8s won 5-2 9s won 3-2 10s drew 3-3 Well done to all of the boys involved in a fantastic morning of school sport ⚽️


This week's Friday roundup with Headteacher Mr Newbery - plus the latest SJL Newsletter is out now-


We are incredibly grateful to our SJL community who have donated to our January charity drive - we have collected plastic tubs to help raise money for and food for the St Albans District foodbank. Thank you so much for your support!#SJLproud


Lights, camera, interrogations! – our Year 12 BTEC media students have been busy producing a criminal interrogation scene in the tv studio using intense dialogue and gripping power plays to showcase their filmmaking skills.#tvstudio


Have you got your tickets yet!? Our talented students are busy preparing for the SJL showstopper Gym and Dance display taking place next week on Tuesday 11 and Wednesday 12 February. Tickets are available on ParentPay - This is an event not to be missed!


In phyisics lesson Year 12 students were investigating the effects of length, tension and mass per unit length on the frequency of a vibrating string.


Reminder to Year 9 parents that online Parents’ Evening is taking place from 4.30pm today.


Year 8 students have been busy mocking up designs for their candle stick holders in Design & Technology class - which they will later make using wood and metal.


Term date reminder: INSET day Wednesday 5 February, school will be closed to students.


Stay up to date with all the latest SJL news this week in a roundup from Headteacher Mr. Newbery. Plus the latest SJL Newsletter is out now-


A group of Year 9 Architectural Design & Engineering students took part in an online workshop run by ‘Engineering Tomorrow’, centred around the rise of Electric Vehicles and their environmental impact - a really engaging day!


On Wednesday, 150 students from Year 9, Year 10, and Year 11 took part in the Intermediate Maths Challenge, organized by the UK Mathematics Trust. These students demonstrated impressive logic and problem-solving skills, tackling a range of challenging questions.


The annual Chess Tournament is currently underway at SJL - good luck to all the players!


Year 8 students are creating graffiti names out of fabric in textiles class - here they were learning the technique of tie dye to use as part of their finished design.


Debating Victory! Our team of five Year 12 students took part in the second heat of the English Speaking Union Schools' Mace debating competition this week, gaining a place in the Regional Finals of the competition. We are immensely proud of the students!


Wishing a happy and prosperous Year of the Snake to all in our community celebrating Lunar New Year. We hope you have wonderful celebrations.#LunarNewYear

Get involved

We are always keen to hear from you if you want to get involved. 


Joining the committee

All our committee members are Trustees of the charity and we welcome enquiries at any time of the year. 

Ideally, a few committee members in addition to the roles of Chair, Treasurer and Secretary is ideal and helps with succession planning to ensure the ongoing success of the Friends of SJL.  Perhaps you will be our future Chair, Treasurer or Secretary. 

Please contact us at for more details on joining the team.


Committee Member to lead on Communications and Social Media

We are looking for someone to help create newsletter content and produce marketing assets to post on Facebook and X to help promote our various fundraising events and other fundraising initiatives. Please contact us at if you can help. 

Become a helper

When we run events, we always need a few people to help out - whether that be shopping for items, helping to organise tables and other logistics in the lead up, running a bar, serving food, helping with clearing up, selling raffle tickets or seeking prizes for raffles. Please contact us at if you would like to get involved.  

You can also help by...

Spreading the word about our Easy Fundraising  page.  By using Easy Fundraising AND asking your friends and family to sign up and support Friends of SJL, means that our income can benefit from an extra boost.  Even small spends can make a big difference if we have lots of supporters. 

Follow Friends of SJL on Facebook or X and share and like our posts, thereby helping to promote our fundraising events to as many people as possible. 






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