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Thank you to our wonderful SJL community for all your hard work and support this school year, we’d like to wish you all a relaxing summer break and we look forward to seeing you in September!Tues 3 Sept- Year 7, Year 12 & Year 13Wed 4 Sept- Year 8, Year 9, Year 10 & Year 11


What a fantastic school year it's been, so many amazing events, activities, trips and learning experiences - here's a little look back at just a few of the brilliant highlights. We look forward to more fun and success in September!


Please note EduLink is currently down so if you need to make contact please call the main school number.


Lost property - there are a number unclaimed bottles, please reclaim from the medical room by the end of school tomorrow.


Well done to our Year 7 cricket team, a brilliant last fixture for Mr Battersby - and in the sunshine too!


Looks absolutely amazing - what a fantastic experience for our students!


Reminder - school will finish for all students at 12.30pm on Friday 19 July.


What an amazing Sports Day!The SJL student and staff community were truly brilliant, with everyone coming together to support each other, lots of cheers and plenty of high-fives. A huge shoutout to our PE department for organising such a fantastic event!


Our sports hall was a hive of activity as our Year 12 students took part in our inaugural Interview Skills Day where they had the opportunity to speak with real employers to practice their interview techniques. Thanks to all those who volunteered their time to help.


Lost property - there are a number of unclaimed pairs of shoes and odd shoes, please reclaim from the medical room by the end of school tomorrow. Please ensure all property brought into school is named so items can be returned to their owner.


What a colourful crop!


Students from Year 7 D&T club have been putting the finishing touches to their bug hotels - such fantastic creative designers and ecologically minded too!


Year 9 students were testing their F1 cars for the F1 in Schools Programme. Students design and 3D print their own F1 cars, which are powered by compressed gas and then then race them down our 15m track.


Staff and students are having a wonderful time on the music tour!


Wow, what a beautiful setting for their first concert on the music tour!!


During this week students in Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 are taking on the role of apprentices for a range of activities delivered by to help develop skills and an enterprising mindset. Some fantastic ideas showcased in 'elevator pitch' type presentations!


The recording of our amazing Year 7 drama club students performing A Jukebox Journey, organised by our A Level Drama students, is now available to view on the school website.


With final house point and merit mark totals announced in our end-of-year assembly on Friday, here is a glimpse of the House Results Board since 2013.Will Hepworth maintain their House Cup winning streak and which house will be this year's Merit Mark Cup winner?


🟡🔴🟢🏆SPORTS DAY 2024🏆⚪️🟠🔵🟣Another fantastic afternoon of SJL Sport gave us plenty of thrills and spills but in the end it finished with…🔴 Austen as our Champions 🔴Finally someone has knocked Hepworth off of top spot. Thank you to all of our competitors today ❤️


Wishing our students a fantastic Music Tour to Salzburg, Austria - they will visit Salt Mines, Mirabell Gardens, a waterpark, take a cable car ride and boat trip - whilst also performing incredible concerts in amazing locations! Have a wonderful time!


Preparations are underway for Sports Day!


What a fantastic day we had yesterday as we welcomed Year 6 into Sir John Lawes for transition day. Their smiles and excitement were infectious as they explored the school, met their form teachers and made new friends. We can't wait to see you all again in September!


Please note, there is no newsletter this week - look out for our end of term newsletter next week.


Sports Day - Friday 12 July.Students competing need to be in SJL PE kit. All other students can wear non uniform in house colours – please ensure shoulders and midriffs are covered.Sports Day will finish at 3.30pm at the end of the school day.


Year 6 students were welcomed by Mr Barry who will be the Head of Year 7 - before getting to know the school and teachers by participating in lots of fun taster lessons.

SJL in the Community

At SJL we pride ourselves on being an outstanding school with people at the heart and where the sense of community is strong.  From the first month at school with our Prefects Picnic for the new year 7 students and their families, to the charity work across the years, students are encouraged to become involved in a variety of events that benefit both the school and our wider community.  For us our community is not limited to local areas; our vision is local, national, global and this is reflected in the various work that we do.

In the local community a number of our Sixth Form students regularly visit homes for Senior Citizens and the disabled on a voluntary basis. At Christmas this year our Sixth Formers went carol singing at local homes and raised money for Keech Cottage Hospice singing carols in the snow outside Sainsbury's. The Christmas Carol concert at All Saints Church is an annual event and there is always a special performance on the Thursday afternoon for Senior Citizens.

The Music faculty contributes greatly to the local community and may often be found supporting at local events, holding a concert in town or playing at one of our local primary school’s Summer Fayres.

The Harpenden Village Rotary Club has supported the school for a number of years.  Their annual School Leavers Award dinner is a great occasion when students from each of the three local schools are recognised for their ‘Service Before Self’. Over the years Rotary members have also supported Sixth Formers by offering interview practice before they go on university visits.

All year 12 students are also entered for the Perrins essay writing prize sponsored by Perrins Solicitors, Harpenden.

Our excellent facilities also mean we are able to host a number of sports fixtures and this enables us to continue to support our students during and beyond the school day. Our Young Enterprise team have run primary school Sports Days and events for students in the lower years.

As a training school we have many  opportunities to share our teaching expertise with other teachers from around the country.  This year teachers will be travelling far and wide to discover good practice from other schools so we can incorporate new ideas into our already innovative practice. We recognise that within SJL we are all learners and there are always ways to improve.

We are very lucky to have built a great partnership in the last two years with Danish  schools.  We have been visited by a number of Danish educationalists and some of our staff have visited Denmark to see the work in their schools.

Within the curriculum the Modern Foreign Languages’ Pen Friend scheme encourages our younger students to make friends that extend beyond our geographical boarders. Combined with opportunities for educational visits these often are the beginning of long-term friendships that enrich the lives of our students.

International travel opportunities continue to be part of the enrichment programme for out students. Our close links with Ndeke High School in Zambia have allowed students from both countries to visit each other and learn about school life.

The USA exchange for year 12 students is another part of our school experience that encourages students to learn from our global neighbours.

On all levels we encourage our students to develop a community spirit as encapsulated in our Sir John Lawes ACE: Achievement Care and Excellence.

Charity Work

Each year the students undertake a number of fundraising activities from fashion shows to car washing. We encourage the students to bring forward ideas for charity work that they feel strongly about so we can focus our efforts on causes that have real meaning for them.

It is heart warming to know we have so many mature and thoughtful young people who have the drive and selflessness to do something for others.

National global learning programme

Expert Centre for Global Learning Programme

We are delighted that Sir John Lawes has been chosen to become an Expert Centre for the new Global Learning Programme (GLP) for England. The GLP is a programme of support for schools that can help enhance teaching and learning about global issues at Key Stages 2 and 3.  It has six core aims:

  • To help young people understand their role in a globally-interdependent world and explore strategies by which they can make it more just and sustainable;
  • To familiarise them with concepts of interdependence, development, globalisation and sustainability;
  • To move them from a charity mentality to a social justice mentality;
  • To stimulate critical thinking about global issues both at a whole school and at pupil level;
  • To promote greater awareness of poverty and sustainability;
  • To enable schools to explore alternative models of development and sustainability in the classroom.

The GLP focuses on developing pupil’s knowledge and understanding of global challenges through subject-based learning in key curriculum areas. It helps pupils to think critically about the issues, and develop skills and values as they consider actions that they and others can take to overcome them.  

As an Expert Centre, Sir John Lawes is acting as a hub to provide local, peer-led training and support for teachers in our partner schools. This will involve hosting half-termly support meetings to help them to identify each school’s particular training priorities and access the most appropriate professional development through the GLP website to meet their needs. 

The Global Learning Programme is funded by the Department for International Development and is managed by a consortium of leading global learning and educational organisations: Pearson (lead), Geographical Association, Institute of Education, Oxfam UK, Royal Geographical Society, SSAT and Think Global. The programme runs from 2013 to 2017.


Sir John Lawes has been hugely involved in implementing sustainable practices within the local community and was a driving force behind Harpenden town achieving Fairtrade status. We also lead a programme of sustainability themed outreach assemblies to local primary schools on issues such as waste and climate change.

We initiated and lead the St Albans District Sustainable Schools Ambassadors Programme and host the training programme for student ambassadors from across the district. These students then lead in developing the sustainability programmes and initiatives in their own schools – thus the work done by our students and staff directly impacts in a positive way on thousands of students across the district.

Other links between SJL, sustainability and the local community include:

  • The Science department work with Glaxo and Rothamstead research station to develop the use of our school garden for primary school children to study ecology.
  • The Design and Technology department recycle aluminium, timber and man-made boards to use in practical work and has links with local industry to collect off-cuts of materials for classwork.
  • We participate in the annual tree planting events run for local schools at Heartwood Forest.

We have used our website to inform and promote ideas of sustainability and responsibility to the wider community and parents are encouraged to be actively involved. Parents with related expertise have been involved by coming in to talk to students, hosting oversees guests, fundraising and coming up with ideas for ESD activities.

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